Monday, April 27, 2009

back in Tally

in Brew and Bean coffee shop (tallahassee, fl)

so after about 5 months I am back in Tallahassee. Its kinda bittersweet to be back. I really did like this town. I especially like the people I met here. I miss them more than anything. It has been great catching up and hangin out with some amazing people.

I certainly would have loved to be here longer at FSU. I feel like the rug was puled right out but I gotta go forward! In Romans 8:28 it says 'God works ALL things for good to those who love Him...'. That verse has been really saturating my heart over the past week or so. I think a large part has to do with me going through John Piper's book Future Grace. IT has dived in the that promise that God makes to work in us no matter what ish goes down in our lives. I think it is a tremendously hope-filled promise that we all should go do daily.

So this weekend though I took a road trip with my friend Scott to Athens, GA this past weekend...highlights included:
-crashed my first wedding...(Scott was playing mandolin)
-heard Andy Stanley preach at North Point...a great sermon on God and our country.
-finding and hearing more affirmation through prayer about going to South Africa in the fall.
-The Original Pancake House in Atlanta
-experiencing encouragement in the body of Christ by just meeting solid believers

so all in all it was a great weekend listening to worship and bluegrass and experiencing the great spring weather of the south. Now I'm off to meet with the coaches Bible Study I was a part of last semester at FSU....should be a great reunion!