Monday, January 19, 2009

the economy and obama

I havent really felt the economic downturn until the past couple weeks. I have been searching for a job and have not found but just a couple jobs in the food service business that are hiring. It is very frustrating but I press on. I really rest in the desire that God has placed in my life to go abroad and really impact the world through sport.

I have even ventured out to charlottesville this past week to find work. As I was there just a couple days ago I really saw God at work as He provided a great friend who offered me a place to stay for any length of time rent free. God's faithfulness is really all around me and not just in specific instances like that. I think that I need to be more thankful for what I have right now. Even jobless I have so much that I know I do not deserve one bit. In fact most people reading this have more than they need in life. Now that I recognize that how do I need to live differently. Should we give more away when we get to a point like this? More time, more money, more of our freedom?

Tomorrow our great country will swear in President-Elect Obama. I think this is an amazing time in our country and I do believe it is a time of promise for social progress. I just am a bit sick of the Bush-bashing that has gone along with this change of power because even amoungst several difficulties there was alot of resolve shown in his 8 years in office. My sister is actually up there for the inaugrauration and I am so proud that she has taken the opportunity to go and be a part of this. She is with a young leaders program that has been formed to put the kids in front of alot of great speakers and even celebrate tomorrow night at one of the inaugural balls. Her specific ball is located in the National Air and Space Musem! How amazing is that? I will hopefully post some of her pictures soon that she will be bringing back.