Sunday, August 24, 2008

living to impact

The church I have been attending here has started a series called '' with the website and everything. Today they talked about what it means to really impact this world with the commandment sharing your faith.

Jesus gives it to us clear to 'Go and preach to all nations..'...we must GO. Its a commandment and not just something we do from time to time. If there is no fear in this you are not human because this is what really develops your faith when you test it and try it.

I was convicted on several levels in the sermon including being focused in my pursuit of people and making relationships a priority here at FSU. I have found a few guys I can really start making that investment in and now its time to pursue and really seek to develop our communication about God.

Secondly, am I really making an effort to get to know our culture here in Tallahassee and really contextualize the gospel in to a way that people can understand it. I want this blog to be clear about my profession and conviction of living a life where its evident I am following Jesus but I want people to see it in a clear way. The pastor delivering the message talked of the character Angela form The Office and the point that she is very stuck up at times regarding her faith(not to mention her character is extremely hypocritical). But we cant be weird when it comes to Jesus. We gotta be real and talk of how evident and real He is in today's world. We have to live our relationships out loud and pray for the example we set as believers to scream salvation/redemption/forgiveness/grace/love/hope/ect....

'Years from now when we are telling our grandkids how we impacted this world will we tell them we spent hours on Facebook or that we have memorized hundreds of sports stats or that we watched great tv shows?' -Pastor Ross

...I pray that each of you reading this changes the way you have been doing things. We have to fight through this laziness and distraction that this world offers us and call upon the Spirit that doesnt make hesitant but bold.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but one of power, love, and self-discipline.
-2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, August 9, 2008

flat out...I Love Jesus

I love Jesus so much....there is power that resides in Him....and its amazing to feel and know that He is soooo real...

this post sounds rambled and random probably but thats all I got tonight really....I love Him...He loves me....He went to death on a cross for me and that blows my freakin mind. He laid all of it down so that I might live. And you know what there is nothing that can separate me from that love...not one thing at all ever ever ever.

the words of Paul hit it perfectly....

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord
Romans 8:38-39